We provide professional routine commercial cleaning services for customers in offices, medical facilities, facores and warehouse spaces.
We will keep your restrooms clean and maintained to the highest standard. We will keep you well stocked with hygeine consumables, and take care of your waste management needs.
We will keep your space stocked with consumables such as hand hygeine, paper pducts, and odour control. We work with a range of suppliers to give you access to cost effective and socially responsible solutions
To ensure our customers and cleaners are protected, our commercial cleaning services are all covered by required insurances, including public and products liability insurance.
It's important that our commercial cleaning customers trust us and our team when letting us into their workplace. All of our cleaners must have a valid police check before starting with us.
We don't subcontract your work, all of our cleaners are employees and part of the team.
We pay them fairly, treat them well, and
maintain long positive working relationships with them.
We have quality control and feedback mechanisms in place that ensure we maintain a high standard of cleaning for customers in offices of all sizes.
We provide professional cleaning services for medical spaces including health centres, doctor's offices, dental offices, and research laboratories.
We'll keep your industrial office and shared facilities clean, maintain and restock factory floor amenities, and adhere to your OH&S protocols.
We know we're only as good as our commercial cleaning team. That's why we pay extra care to hiring great commercial cleaners, paying them fairly, and treating them well.
We regularly collect feedback from our customers. We use this to measure and improve the quality of our commercial cleaning services, and to jump on issues early.
We maintain a great relationship with our commercial cleaning customers. The business owner is your direct point of contact, and we ensure we're highly responsive to feedback and requests.